How DJ showed us the meaning of JOY
We knew DJ was a ‘ball of joy’, but we still weren’t prepared for the exhilarating moment when she met her new ride.
This is Esther - She’s an Overcomer
Esther’s support group who came to the giveaway were gushing with good things to say about this single mother that can be summed up in her Advocate’s simple but powerful words: “Esther is an overcomer.”
🎉Client #20🎉
Have you ever owned a car that leaked oil? If so, you’ve probably known the fear of your engine running dry and the telltale oil stains that follow your car wherever you park. This young mother’s vehicle leaked oil so badly she had to…
Client #19: A Fresh Start
This single mom shared with us the challenges she has had because of her lack of transportation, everything from being at the mercy of others’ generosity and schedule; having to depend on an undependable bus system; and viewing church services from home, without being able to join in the fellowship and support of other believers.
Client #18: Breaking the yoke of oppression
One of the best parts of this giveaway came from the vehicle side of the story. An immaculate 2010 Chevy Impala was donated to OnRamp DFW by another single mom…
Rolling into the new year with Homayoun and Samira
This giveaway had it all - an inspiring client family, a donated vehicle, a repeat Advocate, and even some breakfast pizza!