🎉Client #20🎉
Celebrating an OnRamp DFW milestone with a deserving single mom
These wonderful folks were on hand to cheer on our 20th client, who for her privacy and protection, is beaming back at us from the other side of the photo.
The giveaway morning started like usual, with our group huddled outside the Garland tax office. We were anticipating the arrival of our esteemed client, who was hitching a ride (for the last time) with her advocate - a case worker for an organization that exists to protect women & children in dangerous and vulnerable situations.
Have you ever owned a car that leaked oil? If so, you’ve probably known the fear of your engine running dry and the telltale oil stains that follow your car wherever you park. This young mother’s vehicle leaked oil so badly that she had gone from having to add oil daily to having to add it after every stop! The two different mechanics she took the vehicle to both told her the same thing: the vehicle would be more expensive to fix than it was worth.
When the advocate spoke about this young lady’s courage, and sacrifice for her two boys, we were all moved. She works two jobs in order to provide for her family and she finds a way to always pay all her bills in full. Yet she was grieved at the things she couldn’t provide for her children because of their limited transportation: a church community, sports opportunities, and supportive relationships with nearby family.
When we ventured into the parking lot to introduce her to her new ride, you could see our client’s anticipation start to grow. When she realized which one was hers, a beautiful cherry-red Pontiac Vibe, our friend was overwhelmed with emotion and immediately began to hug her case worker, who had advocated on her behalf for this gift. It was hard for me to hold it together as I heard the case worker whispering in this young mom’s ear how proud she is of her and how deserving she is of this gift. Wet eyes all around.
Tim showing the maintenance checklist to our speechless client.
To everyone who contributed financially or with their time and talents, this young mother would like you to know how grateful she is! The freedom and opportunity the Vibe provides this family is life-changing, but equally important is the affirmation that she is seen and valuable to God and that we in her community believe in her.
Here’s to the next 20!