David & Maria: “Every step, every moment we have known God is with us.”
At OnRamp DFW, our team has been encouraged and inspired by every aspect of this story, including the courage and faith of David and Maria, the hospitality shown by individuals at Woodcreek, and the generosity of all who contributed with joy to meet this family’s needs.
Meet Bob: Stolen Truck Victim or The Real Deal? You decide.
When Bob came out of the dance studio where he was watching his granddaughter practice, he figured he must have forgotten where he parked. As he checked and double-checked each possible spot, his stomach began knotting up as the only option remaining was unthinkable.
Amber’s Story: How meeting the mayor helped us find Agape love
To fully appreciate Amber’s story, you must be familiar with agape love. I’m not only referring to the Greek word for love that means transcendent and unconditional care. I’m also referring to the Agape Center for Resource and Assistance in Plano, Texas.
Meet Jennifer: Faith more precious than gold
Our eighth vehicle went to an exceptional young lady whose story has inspired everyone she comes in contact with.
Who is my neighbor?
Understanding the incredibly hard road refugees have traveled to become neighbors with us is the first step we can take toward building a relationship with such wonderful and diverse people.
Client #7: A Community Effort
What a joy it is to partner with other believers who are actively helping others in the name of Jesus!