Meet Michael: a true believer in the God of second chances.
Our first truck has been gifted! We recently had the joy of handing over the keys to Michael, and we can’t wait to see how having wheels will help Michael continue on his path to redemption. You see, a couple of years ago Michael was released from prison and found himself facing the difficult prospect of re-entry into society. Opportunity came for housing, accountability, and work through the Prison Entrepreneur Program and Michael determined to make the most of it. Michael’s hard work and positive example within the PEP community earned him the honor of joining their servant leadership team to encourage and help new enrollees stay on track.
At the same time, Michael set his sights on a long-term financial recovery strategy by enrolling in Watermark Church’s Financial Catalyst program. It is there Michael found biblical financial wisdom and encouragement under the guidance of his table leader, Stephen. Through Stephen’s help, Michael was able to make the connection between finances and God. Now more than halfway through their 15-month Accelerated Savings Program, Michael has set a new course for savings toward home ownership! Michael’s hard work within the program has given him special notoriety among the leadership. Stephen said, “Michael’s desire to learn is remarkable. He has taken steps to fix his life and is constantly looking for ways to help other people.”
Michael and Jon with Hannah and Stephen from the Watermark Financial Catalyst program.
All this progress has only been limited by Michael’s transportation challenges. A bike and a bus pass have been his only options, severely hindering his ability to turn his skills in landscaping and home renovation into meaningful income. Even still, Michael has found a way to ride his bike or take a bus to work across town every day and also make all his Financial Catalyst classes with Stephen. We applaud Michael’s tenacity and perseverance! In Michael’s own words, “I just gotta stay on the right course and watch God provide.”
Look at that grin!
On the day of the big gift, Michael rolled up to the tax office after a ten mile ride on his bike. He wore a smile from ear to ear from the moment we shook hands to the moment he drove away. In between, we introduced him to his new baby, a 2004 Dodge Dakota, lovingly chosen to help him carry his tools to job sites as he looks to grow his handyman business. He was already talking about job opportunities that were opening up to him now that he had a truck. When David was talking about the gift of God’s grace and mentioned all our vehicles will eventually ending up in the junkyard, Michael was emphatic: “Oh no, I’m not ever sending this truck to the junkyard. It will go with me to my grave.”
Jon and Tim had the Dakota looking like it was brand new!
“Thank you and thank God for this blessing”, Michael said repeatedly during our time together. Stephen and Hannah from Financial Catalyst joined us in celebrating Michael’s journey and how this truck will help him continue to pursue his dreams. There were prayers shared honoring the amazing redemptive work of Jesus. There were hugs, lots of laughter, and gospel words of encouragement. I love seeing community services such as PEP and Watermark come together to lift up those like Michael who are ready to do the work. Even more meaningful is partnering with groups like Watermark’s Financial Catalyst who love others with the love of Jesus.
Update: within days of having the truck, Michael has already found more income opportunities and has been able to visit family in Oklahoma he hasn’t seen in years.
Thank you for giving to OnRamp DFW and making this gift possible. To help us bless more amazing people in need, please donate today!
Prison Entrepreneur Program
Watermark Financial Catalyst