A Holiday Celebration with Ponda
Our 30th client reminded us again how valuable reliable transportation and loving support are when you’re getting back on your feet.
The smile she wore from the moment we met her was electric. She had her two children with her and her two advocates from Union Gospel Mission had come all the way to Woodcreek Church in Richardson from the heart of Dallas. They were there on a Sunday afternoon to celebrate with a woman they have come to love and admire. Pondacheria, or Ponda, was about to drive away in a beautifully restored Toyota Corolla and she was ecstatic.
Ponda moved from Arkansas not long ago, but without a support system in Dallas, found herself in a vulnerable position with her two young children when things didn’t work out as planned. Things snowballed quickly and she found herself in a situation she never expected - without a home or the means to land a new job. She was stuck, but wasn’t giving up.
Union Gospel Mission, in particular the Center of Hope provides shelter and meals for homeless women and their children and “the support needed to take the first steps toward getting their families back on their feet, their children back in school, and emotional and spiritual healing.” With UGM’s support, Ponda was able to find a stable job and started faithfully working her way through their Discipleship Program. Now, almost a year later, Ponda has gained a reputation for excellence, consistency, and joy in the midst of her hard situation.
Ponda and her family with Harmony (L) and Patrice (R) from Union Gospel Mission
But Ponda still had a problem. The vehicle she had moved from Arkansas in had been totaled in an accident she wasn’t at fault for, and the insurance payment wasn’t enough to purchase a new vehicle. Without reliable transportation, she was one step away from falling back to square one. Patrice Denning, the Women’s Program Director at UGM told us there are two common challenges their residents face that can derail them - childcare and transportation (I’ve often heard Jackie Scott, the head of our Client Care Team say the same thing). How glad we are to be in a position to meet one of those needs, and Ponda is now in a position to save for a home for her family when they move out of UGM’s Center of Hope.
The vehicle introduction is always one of the best parts of the giveaway. Even if they’ve read stories of other giveaways, our clients aren’t always sure they will be driving home in a vehicle. Jon Dunlop, our volunteer photographer did a great job of capturing the joy of this moment for everyone involved.
It may not be immediately obvious how many people’s efforts went into the moments pictured above. From application review and interviews, to vehicle detailing and maintenance, to financial statement and document preparation, there are so many people who believe that OnRamp DFW is a worthy way to volunteer their time and talent to show our neighbors the love of Jesus.
And then there are the generous people who make these gifts financially possible. Once again, we have been astounded at the open-hearted giving of our community, as people have risen to the occasion with vehicles and generous financial donations all year long. Here’s an amazing stat: every single applicant who qualified for our program this year received a vehicle!
We’ve already got nominations and applications galore coming in for new clients in 2025, in fact, the past few months have brought in more applications than we’ve seen before. Will you help us with an financial or vehicle donation so we can continue to help families like Ponda’s?
Happy New Year! May God’s demonstrated kindness and providence give you reason to celebrate the year to come!