A single mom with 8 adopted kids received a minivan!

What loving your neighbor as yourself looks like for one generous couple in Allen, TX.

Tracy Russell’s street can sometimes feel like a parking lot. As one of the “car guys” for OnRamp DFW, donated cars can be parked in front of his Allen, TX house waiting to be processed. In an effort to be a good neighbor, he notified his neighbors and explained the “why” behind the rotating vehicles that would be in front of his house from time to time. One of the neighbors, after hearing about OnRamp DFW and how Tracy volunteers his time, decided they wanted to donate a vehicle they had been planning to sell. They had a Honda Odyssey minivan they had been using to drive around their crew of grandchildren during their younger years and were no longer needing that type of vehicle. 

Around the same time, a nomination came in to OnRamp DFW for a new client (name kept private by request) from advocate Debbie with Sisters of Grace. Sisters of Grace is a ministry that advocates for women, providing care from domestic violence and sexual betrayal through education and resources - from crisis-centered care to educational programs for girls and young women. Our client came to Sisters of Grace over 2 years ago, after her husband had been arrested for secretive criminal acts and she and her children were at the beginning of their road to recovery.

As a newly-single mother of 12 adopted children, one having passed away, her whole life had turned upside down in the most devastating of ways. With 8 of her children living at home, she became the sole provider not only of their daily needs, but their emotional recovery as well.  When her 2002 Chevy Van began to break down beyond repair, she was in desperate need of a vehicle. She didn’t just need a car, she needed something that would fit them all.

So, when we found out that Tracy’s neighbor didn’t just want to donate a car, but a MINIVAN with the right amount of seats for this client family, we were blown away by God’s provision and sovereignty. Because of his neighbor’s generosity, we were able to meet the needs of this family and provide them with a vehicle that could transport her family, whole and together, to church, sporting events, medical appointments, and work. 

On the day of her giveaway, Debbie described this client as an “overcomer” who held onto the hope of Christ in a heartbreaking situation. She has continued to overcome: she has fought to make an income for her family, to rebuild their life from ground zero, to keep her faith and hope in God, and to courageously provide space for her and her family to heal. 

We love to “fix up” and then re-gift vehicles that are donated to us! If you or someone you know is looking to change a family’s life by donating a running vehicle, please check out our vehicle donation page.


Client #33: This is what courage looks like.


The Legacy of “Eddie” the Element